1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 17, 2010 6:05 AM by lvdberg

    jBpm error @EndTask returns a facemessage "Task null not found"

      I upgraded my application from Jboss Seam 2.01 to 2.2.0. After Upgrade non of the jBPM EndTask work. I have no errors in the log file but i have a mesaage on the page saying Task null not found. When I ran the application in the debug mode it did not even entered approveRequest method. BeginTask has been called before EndTask


             <h:commandButton id="approveRequest" 
                                     value="Approve / Reject Request" 
                                    action="#{requestReview.approveRequest}" />

      java class

      public class RequestReviewAction implements RequestReview, Serializable {
           private static final long serialVersionUID = -8438575700172722335L;
           private static final String APPROVE = "Approved";
           private static final String REJECT = "Rejected";
           private static final String INVESTIGATE = "Investigate";
           private static final String QUOTE_VIEW = "quoteView";
           EntityManager entityManager;
           Credentials credentials;
           @In(create=true, required=false)
          InquireHome inquireHome;
           Inquire inquire;
           @In(scope=ScopeType.BUSINESS_PROCESS, required=false)
           int id;
           @Out(scope=ScopeType.BUSINESS_PROCESS, required=false)
          String requestStatus;
           public String viewRequest() {
               //Find the task to be worked.
               inquire= (Inquire) entityManager.find(Inquire.class, id);
               //Create the instance of the task to be worked.
               return "viewRequest";
          public String approveRequest()
                inquireHome.getInstance().setStatusDate(new Date());
                inquireHome.getInstance().setUpdatedDate(new Date());
                requestStatus = inquireHome.getInstance().getStatus();
                return "approveRequest";