0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 6, 2010 8:27 AM by rafik1

    Internationalization in portlets


      I am using JBoss Portal and Seam.
      I have a problem with the default language version.
      How to set the default version of the definition of the portlet.
      Map Portlet Configuration :

              <portlet-name> UserManagement </ portlet-name>
              <portlet-class> javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet </ portlet-class>
                  <name> javax.portlet.faces.defaultViewId.view </ name>
                  <value> / pages / users / users.xhtml </ value>
              </ Init-param>
                  <name> javax.portlet.faces.preserveActionParams </ name>
                  <value> true </ value>
              </ Init-param>
              <expiration-cache> -0 </ expiration-cache>
                  <mime-type> text / html </ mime-type>
                  <portlet-mode> VIEW </ portlet-mode>
              </ Supports>
              <supported-locale> en </ supported-locale>
              <supported-locale> fr </ supported-locale>
              <resource-bundle> com.recglobal.dts.portlet.UserManagement </ resource-bundle>
       </ Portlet>

      When I change the language in browser (for example choose German ) I should receive English version but I receive French .
      What I should to do with this problem ??

      I'm waiting for help :)