0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 3, 2011 11:20 AM by kayeramar

    canceling Windows print dialog


      I have a rich:modalPanel (code below) that pops up a Windows print dialog and allows the user to print the modalPanel without including the underlying content. The issue is, when the user clicks the Cancel button a 404 error occurs.

      Is it possible to control what page the user is forwarded to when the Cancel button is clicked? Or possible to get control back to the originating page? I've read online that the Cancel button is forwarding Control to index.html and not index.seam... how can I change this?

      <h:outputLink id="printlink" styleClass="menuLink" onclick="window.print();">
        <h:graphicImage styleClass="menuIcons" url="/img/print.PNG" alt="Print" />