1 Reply Latest reply on May 4, 2011 12:55 AM by gebuh

    parameters and variables


      Hello, I'm new to seam and actually in web development at all, so there are probably many things I do not understand, or I think I understand, but I'm wrong :)

      The thinks I need should be relatively simple:

      1) take a parameter discountId from an URL:
      and send it to the session bean's method to get the object with corresponding ID.
      So I have:

      public class DiscountControllerAction implements DiscountController {
        private EntityManager em;
        String discountId;
        public Discount getDiscountById() {
          String sQuery = "Select dsc from Discount dsc WHERE dsc.id = ?1";
          Query query = em.createQuery(sQuery);
          Long dscId = Long.decode(discountId);
          query.setParameter(1, dscId);
          return (Discount) query.getSingleResult();

      and in home.xhtml:

      <h:outputText id="outText1" value="#{DiscountController.getDiscountById().formatedText}" escape="false"/>

      This was the only way I could make it work but I'd prefer to store that discountId url parametr in some variable "variable" and then use something like:

      <h:outputText id="outText1" value="#{DiscountController.getDiscountById(variable).formatedText}" escape="false"/>

      such "variable" I could also use later, but I do not know how to do that and if it is possible at all.

      Actually, that's related to my second question:

      2) I need to display more properties from the "Discount" what is the return type from the


      So shoud I each time use

      <h:outputText id="outText1" value="#{DiscountController.getDiscountById().formatedText}" escape="false"/>
      <h:outputText id="outText2" value="#{DiscountController.getDiscountById().name}"/>
      <h:outputText id="outText2" value="#{DiscountController.getDiscountById().address}"/>

      or is there a way to create variable "discount" and use

      <h:outputText id="outText1" value="#{discount.formatedText}" escape="false"/>
      <h:outputText id="outText2" value="#{discount.name}"/>
      <h:outputText id="outText2" value="#{discount.address}"/>

      thanks a lot!


        • 1. Re: parameters and variables

          That ?discountId=33 is a requestParam you can access from your page.xml. If you take a look at it you should see something like:

          <param name="discountId" value="#{DiscountController.discountId}"/>

          this calls the setter for discountId
          To use this in a query I would use an entityQuery or you could generate a query on the fly, but I would hesitate putting it in a getter.
          Maybe you could use an @Observer in conjunction with raise event to update the discount along with @Factory. So something like:

          public class DiscountControllerAction implements DiscountController {
            private EntityManager em;
            String discountId;
            private Discount discount;
            public Discount findDiscountById() {
              String sQuery = "Select dsc from Discount dsc WHERE dsc.id = ?1";
              Query query = em.createQuery(sQuery);
              Long dscId = Long.decode(discountId);
              query.setParameter(1, dscId);
              return (Discount) query.getSingleResult();
          public Discount getDiscount(){
               return this.discount;
          public void setDiscount(Discount discount){
               this.discount = discount;
          public String getDiscountId(){
               return this.discountId;
          public String setDiscountId(String discountId){
               this.discountId = discountId;

          and in xhtml:

          <h:outputText id="outText1" value="#{discount.formatedText}" escape="false"/>
          <h:outputText id="outText2" value="#{discount.name}"/>
          <h:outputText id="outText2" value="#{discount.address}"/>

          I'm not sure where you want to set the discountId but if you did something like:

          <h:inputText id="in1" value="#{DiscountController.discountId}" />

          maybe with some reRendering tags to change the values of your output.
          I'm unsure how this works with stateful beans, I use this with stateless pojo's, so I could be completely off base.  Output could be different, I know how to set a var for a resultList that would be used in a dataTable, but I'm unsure about using singleResult.