6 Replies Latest reply on Aug 30, 2011 8:13 PM by konami.bankyaw.gmail.com

    When submitting form: Target Unreachable, identifier 'client' resolved to null


      I haven't been able to find a solution to this for the last two days, and the deadline is fast approaching. It's a simple page... a Add Client form. When loading it, everything is fine. (I also have a Edit Client form that uses the same JSF but different method, and it loads fine too... with all fields populated.) But when I try to submit the form, I get the Target Unreachable, identifier 'client' resolved to null error.

      Here is the action class:

      public class ManageClientAction implements ManageClient
           Log log;
           private Client client;
           private boolean editing;
           List<SubClient> subClients;
           List<User> users;
           public String create()
                client = new Client();
                return "/admin/clients/edit.xhtml";
           public String edit(Client selectedClient)
           public String view(Client selectedClient)
           public String save()
                log.debug("save() invoked!");
                return "/admin/clients/view.xhtml";
           public String delete(Client selectedClient)
           public String toggleActivation(Client selectedClient)
           public String cancel()
                return ((client != null) && (client.getGuid() != null)) ? "/admin/clients/view.xhtml" : returnToList();
           public String returnToList()
                return "/admin/clients/index.xhtml";
            * Factory method that finds and returns a {@link List} of possible {@link Status}es to populate the "Status" select box.
           public List<Status> getValidStatuses()
            * Utility method that figures and returns the opposite {@link Status} of a given status.
            * @param status The {@link Status} whose opposite to find and return
            * @return The opposite status of the one specified
           private Status getOppositeStatus(Status status)
            * Helper method used to get a default {@link Status} object for the add client screen.
            * @return A {@link Status} appropriate for being the default
           private Status getDefaultStatus()
           public void remove() {}

      Here is the RichFaces file:

      <!DOCTYPE composition PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
      <ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
      <ui:define name="body">
           <f:facet name="header">#{editing ? 'Edit' : 'Add'} Client</f:facet>
           <rich:messages layout="table" tooltip="true" showDetail="false" showSummary="true"/>
           <h:panelGrid columns="2" rowClasses="prop" columnClasses="name,value">
                <h:outputLabel for="id">Client ID</h:outputLabel>
                <h:inputText id="id" value="#{client.clientId}" required="true"/>
                <h:outputLabel for="name">Client Name</h:outputLabel>
                <h:inputText id="name" value="#{client.name}" required="true"/>
                <h:outputLabel for="status">Status</h:outputLabel>
                <h:selectOneMenu id="status" value="#{client.status}" required="true" converter="client.StatusConverter">
                     <s:selectItems var="_status" value="#{validClientStatuses}" label="#{_status.status}"/>
           <h:outputLabel for="readOnly">
                <h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="readOnly" value="#{client.readOnly}"/>
                Read-only access to all data
                <h:commandButton id="save" value="Save" action="#{manageClient.save}"/>
                <s:button id="cance" value="Cancel" view="/admin/clients/index.xhtml"/> 

        • 1. Re: When submitting form: Target Unreachable, identifier 'client' resolved to null

          And sorry, I forgot: I'm using Seam 2.2.0.GA, deploying as an EAR onto JBoss 5.1.0.GA.

          During my days(!) of searching for a solution, I've come across several other incidents of this same error. Unfortunately, either no one ever posted a solution or pointers, or the solution and pointers turned out to be either irrelevant or simply didn't work.

          Here is a case of my exact problem, down to the code and the issue he is having:

          Unfortunately he never received any helpful responses, and he never posted his solution (if he found one).

          I'd absolutely appreciate any suggestions, tips, pointers, references, etc. that would help me out here. I'm at a deadend.

          • 2. Re: When submitting form: Target Unreachable, identifier 'client' resolved to null

            why don't u use EntityHome ? there are many examples in Seam

            Actually when u get Target unreachable it means u bind something in Ui that is not correctly define as Seam component instance as far as i know

            try this

            public class ManageClientAction extends EntityHome<Client>
               //setter / getter for client id

            or use seam gen it's a breeze

            would u please  explain about create method ?

            • 3. Re: When submitting form: Target Unreachable, identifier 'client' resolved to null

              Hi omid, thanks for replying.

              Unfortunately, I can't use EntityHome because we cannot use Hibernate or even JPA on this project. We're stuck using JDBC. If it was up to me, we'd be using Hibernate and I wouldn't have had to create a JSF converter because I could've used the <s:convertEntity/> tag instead.

              But I digress...

              The create() method is the method that is invoked when a user clicks Create New Client. But since I originally posted this I've made quite a few changes to the class, and I got it working. But as you can see from the code below I have, among other things, changed the class's scope to SESSION. I would however like to avoid this and use CONVERSATION if possible. Any ideas?

              public class ManageClientAction implements Serializable
                   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
                   Log log;
                   private boolean editing;
                   private ClientFilter clientFilter;
                   private List<Client> clients;
                   private Client client;
                   List<SubClient> subClients;
                   List<User> users;
                   public void findClients()
                        log.debug("findClients() invoked!");
                        log.debug("clientFilter.clientId = " + clientFilter.getClientId());
                        log.debug("clientFilter.name = " + clientFilter.getName());
                        log.debug("clientFilter.status = " + clientFilter.getStatus());
                        log.debug("clientFilter.readOnly = " + clientFilter.getReadOnly());
                        if(clientFilter == null)
                             clients = ClientDB.findAll();
                             clients = ClientDB.findByFilter(clientFilter);
                   public String create()
                        client = new Client();
                        return "/admin/clients/edit.xhtml";
                   public String edit()
                        log.debug("Client GUID = " + client.getGuid());
                        log.debug("Client ID = " + client.getClientId());
                        log.debug("Client name = " + client.getName());
                        log.debug("Client status = " + client.getStatus().getStatus());
                        log.debug("Client readonly = " + client.isReadOnly());
                        client = ClientDB.findByGuid(client.getGuid());
                        editing = true;
                        return "/admin/clients/edit.xhtml";
                   public String view()
                        client = ClientDB.findByGuid(client.getGuid());
                        subClients = SubClientDB.findByClientGuid(client.getGuid());
                        users = UserDB.findByClientGuid(client);
                        log.debug("Client GUID = " + client.getGuid());
                        log.debug("Client ID = " + client.getClientId());
                        log.debug("Client name = " + client.getName());
                        log.debug("Client status = " + client.getStatus().getStatus());
                        log.debug("Client readonly = " + client.isReadOnly());
                        return "/admin/clients/view.xhtml";
                   public String save()
                        log.debug("save() invoked!");
                        if((client.getGuid() != null) && (client.getGuid().length() > 0))
                        return "/admin/clients/view.xhtml";
                   public String delete()
                        return close();
                   public String toggleActivation()
                        client = ClientDB.findByGuid(client.getGuid());
                        return close();
                   public String cancel()
                        editing = false;
                        return ((client != null) && (client.getGuid() != null)) ? "/admin/clients/view.xhtml" : close();
                   public String close()
                        return "/admin/clients/index.xhtml";
                    * Factory method that finds and returns a {@link List} of possible {@link Status}ess to populate the "Status" select box.
                   public List<Status> getStatuses()
                    * Factory method that finds and returns a {@link List} of possible {@link Status}es to populate the "Status" select box.
                   public List<Status> getValidStatuses()
                    * Utility method that figures and returns the opposite {@link Status} of a given status.
                    * @param status The {@link Status} whose opposite to find and return
                    * @return The opposite status of the one specified
                   private Status getOppositeStatus(Status status)
                    * Helper method used to get a default {@link Status} object for the add client screen.
                    * @return A {@link Status} appropriate for being the default
                   private Status getDefaultStatus()


              • 4. Re: When submitting form: Target Unreachable, identifier 'client' resolved to null

                I would however like to avoid this and use CONVERSATION if possible. Any ideas?

                I didn't quite catch the point, but maybe this help you

                1. do you define your client as seam component instance ? (your client entity has @Name annotation)
                if yes, you can  use this code instead of client = new Client();

                client = Component.getInstance(Client.class, true)

                • 5. Re: When submitting form: Target Unreachable, identifier 'client' resolved to null

                  I was getting same message when trying to run the Seam tutorial workshop project.  At some point I decided to check the .WAR deployed on JBoss and saw that none of the entity classes were there. Turned out that when the project rebuilt after generating the entiy classes, there was an error that I didn't notice 'Unable to delete folder org/domain...' which resulted in the build failing. Once I fixed that and got a good build and deployment to JBoss (I had to restart JBoss in this case) the application ran just fine.  Don't know if your problem has the same cause, but this is what I found.

                  • 6. Re: When submitting form: Target Unreachable, identifier 'client' resolved to null


                    Your xhtml page is missing h:form or a4j:form. Does your edit page have the form tag?