15. Re: JBoss HelloWorld Sample
le_cesta Feb 18, 2012 12:47 AM (in response to ldimaggio)Thanks Len for your help.
Problem has been solved by executing 'ant deploy' instead of 'ant'.
16. Re: JBoss HelloWorld Sample
kumarmaheswaran Feb 18, 2012 2:09 AM (in response to ldimaggio)I am doin the following steps.
I have deployed server application by rlght click and mark as deployable,then run the server and then run the client application as java application but i am not getting any sysout statements as given in java class in my console.Please tell me these steps are correct.
Please refer the attached documents for your refrence that what ia m getting after running the client appplication as java.
17. Re: JBoss HelloWorld Sample
ldimaggio Feb 20, 2012 6:54 PM (in response to kumarmaheswaran)Sorry for the delay I was away for a couple of days.
Which client are you running?
The easiest way to see a running example is to install JBoss Tools and then install the examples. You can see the examples here:
18. Re: JBoss HelloWorld Sample
hongan Nov 24, 2013 9:21 PM (in response to kumarmaheswaran)Hello friends,
I'm seeking help in implementing The Quickstart Hello World FTP Action in Eclipse IDE. I tried some samples from http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbosstools/workspace/Denny/esb-example-soa-p5.0/ but the FTP sample does not exist there. So I run the sample from JBoss ESB directory (by command line ant deploy, ...) before I move to Eclipse project. It works well when using ant deploy, ant run command line. Then I copy the configuration files (e.g. jboss-esb.xml with configurations like FTP host name, username, password, directory, listener, etc...) into the Eclipse project, I can deploy that ESB but when I run FTP Client Test, the ESB does nothing. Is there anything special I need to do if I want to implement the FTP sample in Eclipse?
I attach the server_log file and a snapshot of my Eclipse project structure. Please give me any clues to solve the problem.
Thanks in advance for your help.
server_log.txt.zip 10.4 KB
ESB-FTP.png 237.3 KB
19. Re: JBoss HelloWorld Sample
tcunning Nov 25, 2013 9:43 AM (in response to hongan)An, I'll take the question in the other thread you posted it in :
Please refrain from posting the same question multiple times - it makes it harder for the people trying to answer.