For AEROGEAR-133 we need to break the services for the kitchensink quickstart into a separate maven sub-module so that we can start to work on AEROGEAR-116 plus provide a more realistic application structure for this.
I wanted to discuss the changes I'd like to make as any updates in the structure of the quickstart could impact work done by everyone - i.e. make rebases/merges more difficult etc.. I don't expect this work to take long to complete, so it might be best to time this with other changes.
Current structure:
pom.xml /src /main /java (services) /webapp (client) /test /java (services) /qunit (client)
Proposed new structure:
pom.xml /client /pom.xml /src /main /webapp /test /qunit /services /pom.xml /src /main /java /test /java
+/- resource dirs etc...
Note: A concern here is that the cordova "quickstart", and I use that term loosely, will require more than the average quickstart to to be built. This will include xcode, android SDK, and a multi-build solution. This could be made easier by using PhoneGap build, but I'm not sure we want to use that for this demo. It is also not clear what can be reused from www above - hopefully most/all of it.
In either case the new structure is more inline with the structure breakdown I think Java developers would expect. I know Ruby, and JS developers may feel differently as well.
Thoughts? Blockers for anyone?