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1. Re: Trying something new with collateral repo
kborchers Feb 21, 2012 9:38 AM (in response to jbalunas)I like this idea. Before I was a memeber of the team, I was always wondering if there was an agenda and if so where it was. Might I suggest adding the date and time (maybe GMT time) as well as a link to the collateral repo in the topic of the IRC channel so that people feel welcome to come, listen and get involved?
2. Re: Trying something new with collateral repo
jbalunas Feb 21, 2012 10:09 AM (in response to kborchers)Agreed - it should also be in the project calendar page. We'll discuss more at the meeting then I'll create a jira.
Can you add a comment to the agenda about this? Another benefit of having it there :-)