1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 22, 2012 9:49 AM by xmasrock

    Datasource & JDBC Driver inconsistencies



      On AS7.1 Final, I'm using a deployment where I've got a DomainController on hostA  and two HostControllers on host1 and host2.

      To me inconsistency is : jdbc is deployed into a servers' group and datasource definition is done at profile level.  For the ExampleDS all is defined in the profile.



      To deploy a JDBC Driver I need to deploy it into the group of servers I've defined with profile "ha". In the console I'm using the "Runtime" tab. 

           - however it deploys well in both servers and is detected as a JDBC Driver.

      Then, I need to define the datasource in the profile the group is associated with. In the "Profile" tab choosing the "ha" profile.



      As a side note:

          - when I'm doing that, I've got:

                - a popup saying : "Either you did not deploy any JDBC driver or nor is server running. In order to create a data source you need to provide JDBC driver deployment." with a "Confirm button"

                - two popups for datasource definition (see attached screenshot)


      Note2: where is the TestConnection operation ?

        • 1. Re: Datasource & JDBC Driver inconsistencies

          On the TestConnection operation, I understand how difficult it could be to test such a datasource at the profile level where you can have several groups of servers using this profile.

          A test then should span all servers. I would love it along with the ability to run it for a group.