3 Replies Latest reply on Mar 1, 2013 9:50 AM by apanag

    Setting width of a rich:select component


      I am using a rich:select component to select the 2 character abreviation for a state (CA, AZ, UT, CO, etc.), so I don't need the field to be 25 characters wide. The component has a default width that apparently can't be controlled without overriding an underlying css class (input.rf-sel-inp) in the skin, which makes ALL the rich:select components on my page have that same width. I need multiple instances of rich:select on the same page but with different widths. The old h:selectOneMenu defaults to the width of the widest element in it's list, and can also be manually controlled with the 'style=' attribute; which is far better than rich:select that has no intelligence at all and cannot be controlled with a simple attribute setting. Is there a simple way to accomplish this with rich:select?