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1. Re: Documentation for Remoting 3
ron_sigal Mar 16, 2012 1:20 AM (in response to sjcorbett)Hi Sam,
I'm sorry to say that there is no Remoting 3 documentation, as yet. For now, we'll have to consider it "self documenting".
2. Re: Documentation for Remoting 3
fernando46 Nov 13, 2012 5:06 AM (in response to ron_sigal)I Can't believe it...!!! The library is not exactly "self documenting". I'm really disappointed about JBoss AS, and I'll consider using any other EE server.
3. Re: Documentation for Remoting 3
akostadinov Nov 14, 2013 11:48 AM (in response to ron_sigal)Any examples or short getting started guide could greatly help new users with no prior experience. A couple of hours spend to write a getting started guide, be it unpolished, can greatly help because once you have something working javadocs are fine. Otherwise it takes a lot of time to make just the first step.
update: Maybe this is what I was looking for: