0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 13, 2012 9:54 AM by schizo1987

    How to refresh an ice:selectManyListbox


      I need to build a pick list,  I used two [b]ice:selectManyListbox [/b] and two button "left" "right". My problem is, when I pass list item from left to right that I find myself obliged to refresh the page to see the change.

      Is that it is possible to see the changes without refreshing the page ?

      Help me please.


      The pick list code :




      <ice:selectManyListbox size="10" style="width: 150px;"  valueChangeListener="#{EventForm.toRightListener}"

                                      rendered="true" partialSubmit="true" value="#{EventForm.selectedLeftContact}">

                                      <s:selectItems value="#{contactLeftList}"

                                          var="contact" label="#{contact.name}" />

                                      <s:convertEntity />



                                  <ice:panelGrid columns="1">



                                      <ice:commandButton value=" &gt; "

                                          action="#{EventForm.toRight}" />

                                      <ice:commandButton value=" &lt; " action="#{EventForm.toLeft}" />







                                  <ice:selectManyListbox size="10" style="width: 150px;" valueChangeListener="#{EventForm.toRightListener}"

                                      rendered="true" partialSubmit="true"


                                      <s:selectItems value="#{EventForm.contactRightList}"

                                          var="contact" label="#{contact.name}" />

                                      <s:convertEntity />



                                  <ice:commandButton value=" Sort left column"

                                      action="#{EventForm.sortLeft()}" />


                                  <ice:commandButton value=" Sort right column"

                                      action="#{EventForm.sortRight()}" />






      The managed bean code :



      List<Contact> contactLeftList = new  ArrayList<Contact>();


          private List<Contact> selectedLeftContact = new  ArrayList<Contact>(); 



          private List<Contact> selectedRightContact = new  ArrayList<Contact>();



          private List<Contact> contactRightList = new  ArrayList<Contact>();






          public List<Contact> initContactLeftList() {


              contactLeftList = em

              .createQuery("select contact from Contact contact")



              return contactLeftList;




          public void toRight() {


              Iterator<Contact> selected = selectedLeftContact.iterator();

              while (selected.hasNext()) {


                  Object o;

                  Object item = selected.next();


                  Iterator<Contact> iterator = contactLeftList.iterator();

                  while (iterator.hasNext()) {

                      o = iterator.next();

                      if (((Contact) o).equals(item)) {


                          contactRightList.add((Contact) o);






              selectedLeftContact = null;




          public void toLeft() {


              Iterator<Contact> selected = selectedRightContact.iterator();

              while (selected.hasNext()) {


                  Object o;

                  Object item =  selected.next();


                  Iterator<Contact> iterator = contactRightList.iterator();

                  while (iterator.hasNext()) {

                      o = iterator.next();

                      if (((Contact) o).equals(item)) {


                          contactLeftList.add((Contact) o);






              selectedRightContact = null;


