3 Replies Latest reply on May 23, 2008 6:18 PM by marklittle

    Model for service modeller tool


      Not sure how advanced the work on the service modeller is, but wanted to enquire what type of model will be used with the tool?

      I assume it will not be the JBossESB configuration file (jboss-esb.xml) as this would restrict what could be represented on behalf of other projects.

      Would the Eclipse STP Intermediate Model (IM) be appropriate (assuming the editor is going to be an Eclipse plugin)?

      Any idea when a first cut of such a tool would be available?

      My questions relate to the fact that I need to be able to extract the behaviour of a service from a graph of inter-connected ESB service descriptors. In an initial POC, I used the jboss-esb.xml directly, but this is not an ideal approach - it would be better if validation issues with the ESB configuration could be associated with components in a graphical notation/model.

        • 1. Re: Model for service modeller tool

          We're definitely not looking at tying this to a specific ESB or SOI. John and I had some discussions around this at JavaOne last week, so expect some update here asap. STP may well be an option though.

          • 2. Re: Model for service modeller tool

            On looking into the STP IM in more detail, it looks like it is more intended for interchange between the various STP editors, rather than acting as a generic format for holding information across editors, which is what I had hoped it might be.

            However it still might be useful as an interchange format from the Overlord modeller, to enable the model to be represented in a BPMN or SCA view.

            • 3. Re: Model for service modeller tool

              I think John, you and I have all mentioned EMF before, but that's definitely something we need to consider. In general I like the goals behind STP, but it's had a long, slow life so far.