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1. Re: Using ShrinkWrap with SOA-P
alrubinger Mar 23, 2012 7:38 AM (in response to alrubinger)And of course, you *can* extend the ShrinkWrap API to make your own archive view (much like JavaArchive), but let's try to solve this the simple way first, yes?
2. Re: Using ShrinkWrap with SOA-P
sanickode1 Mar 26, 2012 11:47 AM (in response to alrubinger)Thanks for your input and will work on the simple way first. I started working on the simple jar archive with GreeterTest sample using Weld container and was able to run the test. I then moved on to JBoss SOA-P and with some help from Aslak was able to deploy the same sample in JBoss SOA-P 5.1 remote container. I will try creating a simple esb archive next.
3. Re: Using ShrinkWrap with SOA-P
sanickode1 Mar 27, 2012 6:26 PM (in response to sanickode1)I was able to build an ESB archive as per your suggestion and was successfully able to execute the integration test.