0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 2, 2012 7:58 AM by skunjumohamed

    jboss-as-maven-plugin 7 deploy exploded directory




      I am trying to deploy an exploded EAR application with the traditional J2EE structure (with Jar+EJB+War inside EAR) using maven, using the plugin, jboss-as-maven-plugin version 7.1.0.Beta1b. I could not find a goal that supports deploying exploded directory in the plugin reference.


      The current plugin configuration that successfully deploys a .ear file is as below.




















      The current JBoss AS 7 Plugin is























      The above plugins generates and deploys the ear file.


      Now I want to deploy the exploded directory. For that purpose, I have modified the maven-ear-plugin as follows (added two elements, unpackTypes and workDirectory)





















      But it fails and complains (No such file or directory).


      Can some one guide me on how to deploy the exploded directory in this case ?


