We have a customer that is currently on JBoss 4.2.3.GA with MQ and we have encountered threading problems. We have a Central Server that has a remote MDB configured for every one of our customer's retail stores, which turns about to be about 200. Each stores has a remote mdb that points back to our Central server - all told - this generates around 3000 threads.
We need to migrate this customer quickly off of MQ over to Messaging but can't really do it 'big bang' over night. We are looking for suggestions and figured the Bridge will come into play but want to see if the Bridge will encounter some of the same threading/resource issues that we encountered with JBoss MQ? Currently the customer needs to reboot their Central Server at least one per day due to threading/resource problems.
We are thinking of having a separate JMS instance, apart from the Central Server instance but don't want to run into the same threading issues with that instance.
Thoughts or suggestions?