0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 3, 2012 8:48 AM by beaster

    missing-method-permissions-excluded-mode, unauthenticated-principal and call-by-value in EJB jboss-xml


      We have been evaluating JBoss AS 7.1.  We currently run on JBoss AS 6.1.


      It appears that we need to create jboss-ebj3.xml (for JBoss AS 7.1) which replaces jboss.xml for all of our EJBs.

      Almost every EJB in the application is EJB 2.1.


      The question I have is what is the replacement or is there a replacement for the following which we used in jboss.xml?












      It appears these no longer exist for jboss-ejb3.xml.  Are there default values or behavior that replace these in JBoss AS 7.1?

