15. Re: Preparing for 1.0.0.Final
kpiwko Apr 7, 2012 11:34 AM (in response to dan.j.allen)Arquillian Graphene is ready to go as well.
16. Re: Preparing for 1.0.0.Final
vineet.reynolds Apr 7, 2012 12:40 PM (in response to dan.j.allen)Dan Allen wrote:
Vineet Reynolds wrote:
I think the guide about using Ant+Ivy with Arquillian needs to be fleshed out.
That came up during my review of the docs yesterday. Currently the section is just a pointer to somewhere else. I'm inclined to remove the section--perhaps make it an FAQ--until it has worthwhile content (so as not to mislead the reader). I don't think it's a blocker for the release, but something we should have within a week or two after. The first step is to create an issue if there isn't already one, then try to get volunteers to write it up.
Of course, it can build on what I put together in the showcase. But there are also reports in the forums of people getting it working that might want to write it up:
Also, there is value in having a section on how to use Arquillian w/o a build (such as in a pure Eclipse project). I've been asked about that many times.
I can work on this, but probably not by Tuesday. I've seen this come up occasionally, so I assume it is a frequently asked question and hence in need of supporting documentation either in the reference guide, or at arquillian.org.
Dan Allen wrote:
Can you add the Tomcat containers? If not, I can ask Ian to add them since he's been working on them.
+1 to adding links to the container reference pages. I'll make sure to double check all those when revising the docs. At that point I can review the Maven profile entries.
(and yes, I can hear Aslak thinking....we need all the profiles to be hit during a test...that's definitley an asap task after the release).
I've just started work on the Tomcat managed container pages, and maybe we could have Ian review them. I don't think I'll need to help for the sections on the Maven profile setup - the embedded container profiles just scared me a bit, but the managed ones are quite simple. Having said that, I'll need a review of the container supported injection matrix on the two pages I'll create.
This also brings me to ask for a review on a few things in the supported injection matrices -
- @PersistenceContext and @PersistenceUnit are conspicuously not appearing as supported injections even though they may be.
- Can we explain what @Inject (MC) is? Is it microcontainer? The container for JBoss Reloaded 1.x is the only one supporting this.
17. Re: Preparing for 1.0.0.Final
aslak Apr 7, 2012 2:30 PM (in response to vineet.reynolds)> Can we explain what @Inject (MC) is? Is it microcontainer? The container for JBoss Reloaded 1.x is the only one supporting this.
Yes, MicroContainer beans.. And yes, only currently supported in Reloaded (which is a dead project)
AS 7 via the AS7-JMX protocol support MSC Service injection. Special to AS7
18. Re: Preparing for 1.0.0.Final
dan.j.allen Apr 7, 2012 4:15 PM (in response to aslak)Aslak Knutsen wrote:
> Can we explain what @Inject (MC) is? Is it microcontainer? The container for JBoss Reloaded 1.x is the only one supporting this.
Yes, MicroContainer beans.. And yes, only currently supported in Reloaded (which is a dead project)
I think we should kill mentions of reloaded. It's just a distraction at this point, IMO...and potentially misleads some people into thinking it will give them JBoss AS embedded.
19. Re: Preparing for 1.0.0.Final
dan.j.allen Apr 7, 2012 4:16 PM (in response to dan.j.allen)Revisions are underway. I should have things patched back up again in an hour or two.
20. Re: Preparing for 1.0.0.Final
dan.j.allen Apr 7, 2012 4:16 PM (in response to kpiwko)Great! We'll add Graphene into the release train.
21. Re: Preparing for 1.0.0.Final
bmajsak Apr 7, 2012 7:34 PM (in response to dan.j.allen)I'm about to finish APE Alpha4 (done with coding). Documentation in wiki and release notes should be ready by tomorrow
It was quite a big one
23. Re: Preparing for 1.0.0.Final
dan.j.allen Apr 7, 2012 7:42 PM (in response to dan.j.allen)Here's what I was thinking in terms of "release train". On Tuesday we'll have Core, Drone, Graphene and select containers go out the door and get announced. But we want to keep the momentum up. So we should roll out the extensions that are nearly ready to go in intervals of about a week. For instance, we might put the persistence extension (if it's ready) out the following week and the Seam 2 extension (if it's ready) the week after (those are just examples).
We don't want to overwhelm everyone on the same day. The key about news is that it needs to stay new
I'm even thinking of having Graphene come a week later just so it doesn't get drowned out in the Arquillian Core release. That's just something to consider.
24. Re: Preparing for 1.0.0.Final
bmajsak Apr 7, 2012 7:44 PM (in response to dan.j.allen)Sure, no rush with the announcement. It will give me time to work on the guide over next weekend. I just want to have it available asap, cause I know some people are waiting for the fixes and DBUnit enhacements. It's still in Alpha anyway
With regards to Seam 2 - I should have some time soon to work on the improvements collected in JIRA.
25. Re: Preparing for 1.0.0.Final
dan.j.allen Apr 7, 2012 9:13 PM (in response to bmajsak)Bartosz Majsak wrote:
Sure, no rush with the announcement. It will give me time to work on the guide over next weekend. I just want to have it available asap, cause I know some people are waiting for the fixes and DBUnit enhacements. It's still in Alpha anyway
Excellent. No doubt, it's going to be a must have extension for developers
With regards to Seam 2 - I should have some time soon to work on the improvements collected in JIRA.
Cool. You can reach out to Daniel Hinojosa to see if he'll pick up some tasks. He's working on the Seam 2 revival as part of EAP 6.
26. Re: Preparing for 1.0.0.Final
dan.j.allen Apr 8, 2012 12:34 AM (in response to dan.j.allen)First pass of revisions complete. I created a backup space before I started editing just in case we had editors remorse (or maybe only I get that).
The purpose of the revision was to ensure that the reference guide wasn't a) misleading people and b) too bloated. I believe I've accomplished both. It's not perfect yet, and I still think that the introduction to the components of an Arquillian test could be presented better. However, going into 1.0.0, we should turn focus on the container adapter pages to make sure they are all accurate.
...I added JBoss AS 4.2 to the list of supported adapters, but I haven't created the matching pages. Perhaps whoever is working on it can get that done.
27. Re: Preparing for 1.0.0.Final
dan.j.allen Apr 8, 2012 12:38 AM (in response to vineet.reynolds)Vineet Reynolds wrote:
I've just started work on the Tomcat managed container pages, and maybe we could have Ian review them. I don't think I'll need to help for the sections on the Maven profile setup - the embedded container profiles just scared me a bit, but the managed ones are quite simple. Having said that, I'll need a review of the container supported injection matrix on the two pages I'll create.
The embedded container setups tend to scare me too You're not alone.
This also brings me to ask for a review on a few things in the supported injection matrices -
- @PersistenceContext and @PersistenceUnit are conspicuously not appearing as supported injections even though they may be.
- Can we explain what @Inject (MC) is? Is it microcontainer? The container for JBoss Reloaded 1.x is the only one supporting this.
I believe the @Persistence* injections only work through CDI. It's the CDI integration with the container that's providing this support. I mentioned that in the reference guide. So perhaps we can just put a * by it. The same thing happens with the @EJB injection as well. While we have an enricher for it, when CDI is there, it's CDI that is resolving it. (CDI @#$ing rulez).
I killed the JBoss Reloaded pages and references.
28. Re: Preparing for 1.0.0.Final
bmajsak Apr 8, 2012 5:21 AM (in response to dan.j.allen)Quick update - reviewed and slightly improved Seam 2 doc in Confluence.
Working on APE now.
29. Re: Preparing for 1.0.0.Final
bmajsak Apr 8, 2012 6:11 AM (in response to bmajsak)There is one thing which might be confusing in "Container adapters" section - version of the dependency. As far as I know containers have their own release cycle so ${arquillian.version} might be a bit misleading IMHO You would expect to have 1.0.0.CR8 for Glassfish Embedded, but latest and the greatest is 1.0.0.CR3. Or maybe the plan is to unify it?