6 Replies Latest reply on Apr 14, 2012 1:27 AM by varunit

    jboss tools installation errors

      I've installed Java 7, Eclipse indigo and downloaded Jboss AS 7.1.1. Now i would like to install jboss tools using eclipse marketplace, but I'm receiving these dependency conflicts every time...  I'm getting the errors mentioned in the unsuccessful installations tab located here  Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.   Software being installed: JBoss Central 1.0.0.v20120307-1926-H67-Beta1 (org.jboss.tools.central.feature.feature.group 1.0.0.v20120307-1926-H67-Beta1)   Software currently installed: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (epp.package.jee   Only one of the following can be installed at once:  Equinox Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) 1.0.200.v20100503 (org.eclipse.equinox.security 1.0.200.v20100503) Equinox Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) 1.1.1.R37x_v20110822-1018 (org.eclipse.equinox.security 1.1.1.R37x_v20110822-1018) Equinox Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) 1.1.0.v20110502 (org.eclipse.equinox.security 1.1.0.v20110502)   Cannot satisfy dependency: From: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (epp.package.jee To: org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.feature.feature.group []   Cannot satisfy dependency: From: Java EE IDE Feature (org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.feature.feature.group To: org.eclipse.platform.feature.group [3.7.0.v20110530-9gF7UHNFFt4cwE-pkZDJ7oz-mj4OSEIlu9SEv0f]   Cannot satisfy dependency: From: Eclipse Platform 3.7.0.v20110530-9gF7UHNFFt4cwE-pkZDJ7oz-mj4OSEIlu9SEv0f (org.eclipse.platform.feature.group 3.7.0.v20110530-9gF7UHNFFt4cwE-pkZDJ7oz-mj4OSEIlu9SEv0f) To: org.eclipse.equinox.security [1.1.0.v20110502]   Cannot satisfy dependency: From: JBoss AS Core Plug-in 2.3.0.v20120321-1339-H91-Beta2 (org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.core 2.3.0.v20120321-1339-H91-Beta2) To: bundle org.eclipse.equinox.security 1.1.1   Cannot satisfy dependency: From: JBoss Central 1.0.0.v20120307-1926-H67-Beta1 (org.jboss.tools.central 1.0.0.v20120307-1926-H67-Beta1) To: bundle org.jboss.tools.project.examples 0.0.0   Cannot satisfy dependency: From: JBoss Central 1.0.0.v20120307-1926-H67-Beta1 (org.jboss.tools.central.feature.feature.group 1.0.0.v20120307-1926-H67-Beta1) To: org.jboss.tools.central [1.0.0.v20120307-1926-H67-Beta1]   Cannot satisfy dependency: From: Project Examples 1.2.1.v20120320-2046-H78-Beta2 (org.jboss.tools.project.examples 1.2.1.v20120320-2046-H78-Beta2) To: bundle org.jboss.tools.seam.core 0.0.0   Cannot satisfy dependency: From: Seam Tools 3.3.0.v20120302-2019-H81-Beta1 (org.jboss.tools.seam.core 3.3.0.v20120302-2019-H81-Beta1) To: bundle org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.core 0.0.0   Please help me...
        • 1. Re: jboss tools installation errors

          What is service release of Indigo? It should be service release 2 (3.7.2) to let you install all plugins from Abriged JBoss Tools Category.

          • 2. Re: jboss tools installation errors

            Thanks a lot for the reply.. I have the service release 2 version running in my pc..


            I have downloaded the jboss tools for offline installation... If i try to install using that help->install new sw and archive method, I'm getting conflict dependencies, I was frustrated after un checking the ones which throws the error, but still I was unable to install using the downloaded zip file.


            Today I've tried installing using eclipse marketplace, but ater a few minutes, it shows that an internal error has occured and cannot download from marketplace...


            Can you suggest me an easy and staright method to install jboss tools...

            • 3. Re: jboss tools installation errors

              Simplest way: get JBDS 5 from devstudio.jboss.com/earlyaccess.


              That aside then as Denis says, make sure you have already updated to eclipse 3.7.2 before trying to install JBoss Tools.


              You do that by either downloading latest eclipse 3.7 from eclipse.org OR run Help > Update.


              Once that is done try use your downloaded archive and if that does not work let us know the exact error you get (its a long winding message with "p2" messages in them).

              • 4. Re: jboss tools installation errors

                ... or downlad Eclipse Indigo IDE for Java EE Developers SR2 and install JBoss Tools from local update site.

                • 5. Re: jboss tools installation errors

                  These are the errors that are thrown when I tried to install using the downloaded archive file




                  After unchecking the conflicting dependencies, the list reduced to some 10 items.. Shall I proceed with that list to continue the installation to get the tools installed for jboss as 7.1.1?

                  • 6. Re: jboss tools installation errors

                    I have successfully installed using the eclipse marketplace link..


                    Thanks for your support guys