Hi guys,
i have a tree with drag & drop support after dragging an item, tree doesn't update until i refresh page
i'm using richfaces 3.3.0
public void dropListener(DropEvent dropEvent) { Dropzone dropzone = (Dropzone) dropEvent.getComponent(); Object dragValue = dropEvent.getDragValue(); Object dropValue = dropzone.getDropValue(); if (dragValue instanceof ProjectView) { handleProject((ProjectView) dragValue, (ProjectView) dropValue); } addTreeToRerender(); } private void handleProject(ProjectView dragValue, ProjectView dropValue) { getEntityManager().createNamedQuery(Projwbs.UPDATE_WBS_BY_PARENT_ID).setParameter(1, dropValue.getWbsId()) .setParameter(2, dragValue.getWbsId()).executeUpdate(); } private void addTreeToRerender() { try { AjaxContext ac = AjaxContext.getCurrentInstance(facesContext); UIComponent destTree = facesContext.getViewRoot().findComponent("projectTreeForm"); ac.addComponentToAjaxRender(destTree); ac.addAreasToProcessFromComponent(facesContext, destTree); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.print(e.getMessage()); } }
the addTreeToRender seems refresh the tree but item is still in the last state
Actually it's really wierd when i create a button and run this method it works
<a:commandButton value="refresh" reRender="treeList" action="#{projectTreeSearch.addTreeToRerender}" />
do you know how i can fix this ?
is this bug ?