0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 23, 2012 10:35 AM by wilsondesenv

    RESTEasy ResourceQuery (Class Written vs Components.xml)


      Hi I have been strugling to set up a webservice using Seam 2.1.1, and so far what I have accomplished was to set up a service responding on a ResourceQuery registred inside components.xml:



      <resteasy:resource-query name="contaResourceQuery"
              entity-query="#{contaList}" path="/conta"
              media-types="application/xml application/json application/fastinfoset"/>



      But I could not manage writting a class for it. I cannot find the resource.



      public class ContaResourceQuery extends ResourceQuery<Conta> {


      Someone could give me a clue how to make the service be reached?


      Also here is the web.xml (just what has to do with resteasy stuff)



      <!-- Auto scan REST service -->