3 Replies Latest reply on May 10, 2012 10:01 AM by saihegde

    JBPM Process Designer Fails to start


      I have the standalone JBoss Guvnor 5.3.0 and standalone JBPM Process Designer 2.1 setup under Tomcat 7. The Guvnor appears to start up correctly, but the Process Designer will not. I have tried for days to figure out whats going on but cannot find anything that helps. When I try to load the process designer I receive the error:


      ERROR 24-04 11:52:51,517 (RulesRepository.java:loadAssetByUUID:774) Unable to load a rule asset by UUID.

      javax.jcr.RepositoryException: invalid identifier: editor


      Searching on this error yields no results and I have no idea what to look for to fix this. I have attached the full log file for viewing. Any help would really be appreciated.



