0 Replies Latest reply on May 17, 2012 2:33 AM by krishna.bif



      Hi,I am facing URLS problem http://localhost:8080/ordermanagement_exportshipment/ItShipmentOrderEdit.seam?actionMethod=ordermanagement_exportshipment%2FItShipmentOrderList.xhtml%3AitShipmentOrderAction.selectItShipmentOrder&cid=12

      when I use it inside rich:extendedDatatable I am getting this ugly url.I want to display it as http://localhost:8080/ordermanagement_exportshipment/ItShipmentOrderEdit.seam?cid=2 but I am geeting that ugly url can any one could please solve this.I tried with  propagation="none" in <s:link> but still it appeares and also <f:param name="page">.

      Thanks in advance