1. Re: Configuring JMX with VisualVM Using Jboss 7
jaysensharma Jun 12, 2012 2:55 PM (in response to thebravedave)Hi David,
Can you try the Special Shell Script (visualvm.sh Developed by “Mr. John O\’Hara) mentioned in http://middlewaremagic.com/jboss/?p=1940 link to connect VisualVM with JBossAS7.
2. Re: Configuring JMX with VisualVM Using Jboss 7
thebravedave Jun 12, 2012 3:27 PM (in response to jaysensharma)I fixed the problem by using this other script that adds the dependencies required for a remote jmx call for jboss 7 to visualvm.
The project can be found here: https://github.com/johnaoahra80/jboss-as-tool-integration
Basically, when you run the script and you have VISUALVM_HOME and JBOSS_HOME set, it will open up visualvm for you with the neccesary dependencies already added to visualvm's classpath.
After visualvm is running add a remote connection. Then right click on that connection and choose "Add JMX Connection".
You will then be prompted with the JMX configuration information.
For connection you have to put in the new jboss 7 remote jmx connection configuration
It's set up like this: service:jmx:remoting-jmx://YOURSERVERHOSTNAME:9999
Then put in security credentials if you have them configured on the server.
Hope this helps someone.