Drag & Drop ajax works once on Portlet Bridge 3.0.0.Beta4 + Rich Faces 4.2.2 + GateIn 3.3 on AS7
sglazier Jun 13, 2012 7:26 AMI am having a problem with the drag and drop functionality with the setup listed in the title.
The page is rendered correctly the first time and I can drag from the source to the target once, but then when going to drag another item from the list no items are draggable. The backing bean is a session scope so if I refresh the page the target item stays there and the source items are draggable one more time.
I inspected the output pages html and before the first render each item in the source lists has the class of "ui-draggable", and after the first drag and drop event the "ui-draggable" reference is no longer there. Refreshing the page with F5 sees this reference return.
I tried the exact same page removing the portlet bridge out of the equation, just a plain rich faces page and the drag and drop functionality works as expected.
As this is my first post I hope I have provided enough information, if I have not please let me know.
<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<h:head />
<h:form id="form1">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Source" />
<h:dataTable id="src" columns="1"
value="#{beanList.usableSatellites}" var="fm"
<a4j:outputPanel layout="block" styleClass="rf-ind-drag">
<rich:dragSource type="gnss" dragValue="#{fm}"></rich:dragSource>
<h:outputText value="#{fm.PRN}"></h:outputText>
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Disabled" />
<rich:dropTarget acceptedTypes="gnss" dropValue="PHP"
dropListener="#{beanList.addDisabledSatellite}" render="tgt,src"></rich:dropTarget>
<h:dataTable id="tgt" columns="1"
value="#{beanList.disabledSatellites}" var="fm">
<h:outputText value="#{fm.PRN}"></h:outputText>