1. Re: embedded: extracting RAR twice causes failure on Windows
jesper.pedersen Jun 18, 2012 8:12 AM (in response to igarashitm)RADeployer and RAActivator isn't part of AS7 - only IronJacamar/Standalone and IronJacamar/Embedded - so use 1.0.11.Final or 1.1.0.Beta1.
Also I would need the output from "openfiles" or a dump of the open file handles. Make sure that you are on the latest version of JDK too.
2. Re: embedded: extracting RAR twice causes failure on Windows
igarashitm Jun 18, 2012 12:05 PM (in response to jesper.pedersen)JDK version is Oracle 1.6.0_31.
There was no file lock right before calling File.delete() on RAActivator->FileUtil which fails, so RADeployer was not guilty..
However I got some more info from ProcessMonitor. I guess the File.delete() failure corresponds to the 2nd line from the bottom. I'm not sure what does "SHARING_VIOLATION" mean in this case though...
Time of Day Process Name PID Operation Path Result Detail
9:44:39.6119033 java.exe 3164 ReadFile C:\Documents and Settings\tomo\.m2\repository\org\hornetq\hornetq-ra\2.2.11.Final\hornetq-ra-2.2.11.Final.jar SUCCESS Offset: 94,805, Length: 4,442
9:44:39.6149400 java.exe 3164 QueryOpen C:\cygwin\tmp\hornetq-ra.rar SUCCESS CreationTime: 2012/06/18 0:38:55, LastAccessTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:15, LastWriteTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, ChangeTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, AllocationSize: 1,425,408, EndOfFile: 1,425,341, FileAttributes: A
9:44:39.6152856 java.exe 3164 QueryOpen C:\cygwin\tmp\hornetq-ra.rar SUCCESS CreationTime: 2012/06/18 0:38:55, LastAccessTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:15, LastWriteTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, ChangeTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, AllocationSize: 1,425,408, EndOfFile: 1,425,341, FileAttributes: A
9:44:39.6156834 java.exe 3164 QueryOpen C:\cygwin\tmp\iron.jacamar\tmp\hornetq-ra.rar SUCCESS CreationTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, LastAccessTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:16, LastWriteTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, ChangeTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, AllocationSize: 0, EndOfFile: 0, FileAttributes: D
9:44:39.6161533 java.exe 3164 QueryOpen C:\cygwin\tmp\iron.jacamar\tmp\hornetq-ra.rar SUCCESS CreationTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, LastAccessTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:16, LastWriteTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, ChangeTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, AllocationSize: 0, EndOfFile: 0, FileAttributes: D
9:44:39.6165502 java.exe 3164 QueryOpen C:\cygwin\tmp\iron.jacamar\tmp\hornetq-ra.rar SUCCESS CreationTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, LastAccessTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:16, LastWriteTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, ChangeTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, AllocationSize: 0, EndOfFile: 0, FileAttributes: D
9:44:39.6168615 java.exe 3164 CreateFile C:\cygwin\tmp\iron.jacamar\tmp\hornetq-ra.rar SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Directory, Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Open For Backup, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened
9:44:39.6170347 java.exe 3164 QueryDirectory C:\cygwin\tmp\iron.jacamar\tmp\hornetq-ra.rar\* SUCCESS Filter: *, 1: .
9:44:39.6171330 java.exe 3164 QueryDirectory C:\cygwin\tmp\iron.jacamar\tmp\hornetq-ra.rar SUCCESS 0: .., 1: hornetq-core-client-2.2.11.Final.jar, 2: hornetq-jms-client-2.2.11.Final.jar, 3: hornetq-ra-2.2.11.Final.jar, 4: META-INF, 5: netty-3.2.1.Final.jar
9:44:39.6172048 java.exe 3164 QueryDirectory C:\cygwin\tmp\iron.jacamar\tmp\hornetq-ra.rar NO MORE FILES
9:44:39.6173160 java.exe 3164 CloseFile C:\cygwin\tmp\iron.jacamar\tmp\hornetq-ra.rar SUCCESS
9:44:39.6177778 java.exe 3164 QueryOpen C:\cygwin\tmp\iron.jacamar\tmp\hornetq-ra.rar\hornetq-core-client-2.2.11.Final.jar SUCCESS CreationTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, LastAccessTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, LastWriteTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, ChangeTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, AllocationSize: 598,016, EndOfFile: 596,919, FileAttributes: A
9:44:39.6181356 java.exe 3164 CreateFile C:\cygwin\tmp\iron.jacamar\tmp\hornetq-ra.rar\hornetq-core-client-2.2.11.Final.jar SUCCESS Desired Access: Write Attributes, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Open For Backup, Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened
9:44:39.6186106 java.exe 3164 SetBasicInformationFile C:\cygwin\tmp\iron.jacamar\tmp\hornetq-ra.rar\hornetq-core-client-2.2.11.Final.jar SUCCESS CreationTime: 0, LastAccessTime: 0, LastWriteTime: 0, ChangeTime: 0, FileAttributes: N
9:44:39.6187276 java.exe 3164 ReadFile C: SUCCESS Offset: 38,133,760, Length: 136, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
9:44:39.6191891 java.exe 3164 CloseFile C:\cygwin\tmp\iron.jacamar\tmp\hornetq-ra.rar\hornetq-core-client-2.2.11.Final.jar SUCCESS
9:44:39.6196710 java.exe 3164 QueryOpen C:\cygwin\tmp\iron.jacamar\tmp\hornetq-ra.rar\hornetq-core-client-2.2.11.Final.jar SUCCESS CreationTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, LastAccessTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, LastWriteTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:14, ChangeTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:16, AllocationSize: 598,016, EndOfFile: 596,919, FileAttributes: N
9:44:39.6199783 java.exe 3164 CreateFile C:\cygwin\tmp\iron.jacamar\tmp\hornetq-ra.rar\hornetq-core-client-2.2.11.Final.jar SHARING VIOLATION Desired Access: Read Attributes, Delete, Disposition: Open, Options: Non-Directory File, Open For Backup, Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a
9:44:39.6305294 java.exe 3164 QueryOpen E:\workspace\JBoss\soa\switchyard\components\jca\target\surefire-reports SUCCESS CreationTime: 2012/06/18 9:37:42, LastAccessTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:10, LastWriteTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:10, ChangeTime: 2012/06/18 9:43:10, AllocationSize: 0, EndOfFile: 0, FileAttributes: DCould you get anything from this?
3. Re: embedded: extracting RAR twice causes failure on Windows
jesper.pedersen Jun 18, 2012 12:12 PM (in response to igarashitm)It means something else is accessing the file. IJ/Embedded deletes an existing directory, and then extracts the files into it - single thread / blocking call.
Try to set "java.io.tmpdir" to something else. Also JDK7 has a new implementation of the .io. classes, so try and see if the problem is there too...
4. Re: embedded: extracting RAR twice causes failure on Windows
igarashitm Jun 19, 2012 7:20 PM (in response to jesper.pedersen)I have noticed this seems to be a workaround for it. I needed to undeploy -ra.xml manually to create Embedded instance again without JVM shutdown though.
RAActivator activator = _embedded.lookup("RAActivator", RAActivator.class); activator.setEnabled(false); _embedded.deploy(raa); _embedded.deploy(raxmlUrl); activator.setEnabled(true);
5. Re: embedded: extracting RAR twice causes failure on Windows
jesper.pedersen Jun 20, 2012 7:54 AM (in response to igarashitm)If the RAActivator is enabled it'll pick up .rar deployments, and apply a default activation policy to them. So if you want to deploy a -ra.xml file with the activation you will have to do the above.
In IronJacamar 1.1.0.Beta1+ you can do
@org.jboss.jca.embedded.arquillian.Configuration(autoActivate = false)
in your Arquillian based test cases.
6. Re: embedded: extracting RAR twice causes failure on Windows
igarashitm Jun 20, 2012 8:51 AM (in response to jesper.pedersen)Yep, and RAActivator doesn't cause "SHARING_VIOLATION" when it is disabled, so disabling RAActivator and use own -ra.xml avoids the issue