1. Re: jars are not loaded from the lib directory of a sar in JBoss AS 5
pitani123 Jul 4, 2012 11:01 AM (in response to fadc80)Hi Fernado, Do you have solution to above problem? If you have solution, Can you please share with me? That would be great.
2. Re: jars are not loaded from the lib directory of a sar in JBoss AS 5
pitani123 Jul 4, 2012 10:45 PM (in response to pitani123)we can resolve this problem by adding jboss-structure.xml with following content in SAR file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<path name=""/>
<path name="META-INF"/>
<path name=""/>
<path name="" suffixes=".jar" />
<path name="lib" suffixes=".jar" />
3. Re: jars are not loaded from the lib directory of a sar in JBoss AS 5
fadc80 Jul 10, 2012 10:30 PM (in response to pitani123)I'd tried this before, but It didn't work. I got the following error:
5:15:30,426 WARN [VFSStructureBuilder] Error populating deployment vfsfile:/home/fadc80/jboss-5.0.1.GA/server/default/deploy/deploy.last/
org.jboss.deployers.spi.DeploymentException: Unable to find class path entry ClassPathEntryImpl{path=lib suffixes=.jar} from deploy.last
The application is deployed in "deploy.last" folder because it depends on a JBoss datasource. This was the only way I've found to make the datasource to be loaded before the SAR. I've indicated such a dependency in jboss-service.xml, but it didn't work.