1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 5, 2012 1:05 PM by robbatt

    Accessing SessionContext from binded CDI interceptor


      Hi all,


      Does someone know how to access the EJB SessionContext from a CDI interceptor.


      I can access it using a classic EJB interceptor, for example:

      public class MyInterceptor {
          private SessionContext sessionContext;    
          public Object doIt(final InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception {

      and then at the session bean:

      public class MyServiceBean implements MyServiceLocal, MyServiceRemote {

      This works OK but now I want to use a CDI interceptor binding to be able set some parameters in the bean annotation or, even better, make my own CDI stereotype, so the first step consists in changing @Interceptors annotation with my own binding:

      public class MyServiceBean implements MyServiceLocal, MyServiceRemote {

      Creating the binding annotation:

      @Target({METHOD, TYPE})
      public @interface MyInterceptorBinding {

      Modifying the interceptor implementation as:

      public class MyInterceptor {
          private SessionContext sessionContext;    
          public Object doIt(final InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception {

      Finally i have added the interceptor implementation to beans.xml.


      When I execute the application I get a JNDI name not found exception as its trying to access a wrong JNDI name something like "java:\enc\MyInterceptor".


      If I change from @Resource to @Inject to get de SessionContext, then I get a CDI bean not found exception.


      My be I am wrong but it seems that when you start mixing CDI and EJB features you are lost.


      Can anyone offer me some advice in this specific problem?


      Thanks in advance.