2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 2, 2012 5:53 AM by nilabhsagar

    How to control the order in JBoss AS 7 deployments


      My application as of now runs on JBoss 6. We are migrating to JBoss7.1.1.Final. For my application I have to follow deployment order. I followed this link "https://community.jboss.org/thread/177075" which specifies the order of deployment, but when I start JBoss7 it does not follow the order. Can anyone suggest how should I specify the order so that JBoss 7 will follow the same.

        • 1. Re: How to control the order in JBoss AS 7 deployments

          You can have a ordered deployment inside the ear by using jboss-app.xml <module-order>.

          But there is no guarantee in which oder the application is started because AS7 will start in parallel different applications.

          • 2. Re: How to control the order in JBoss AS 7 deployments

            Actually, I added <module-order> in jboss-app.xml, but it did not work. My application structure is as below



                 -- Jar 1

                 -- Jar 2

                 -- Jar 3

                 -- War


            Now for my application the above mentioned jar should be deployed in the mentioned order as Jar 1, Jar 2 then Jar 3. But in JBoss7 it starts in any random order. So can we achieve as Once Jar 1 is deployed then Jar 2 and so on.