JSFUnit 2.0.0.Beta2 + RequestScoped
grubi Jun 29, 2012 6:06 AMHi,
I have a outputText on the page which will be conditionally rendered. The condition variable is in a request scoped bean and the default value is false. Additionally I have a commandButton with an action method which will set the variable to true so the outputText gets rendered. If I display the page source I see the generated html for the outputText, but the findComponent() method for this component and component.isRendered() still tells me, that it is not rendered.
After some debugging I found out, that there are multiple instances of the request scoped bean involed in a single request. That doesn't look like the normal behaviour in the JSF lifecycle, does it? Any chance to get this fixed?
The first instance will be created when the page is rendered => OK
- I can get the view ID, view root and the UIComponent of the button without an problem
The second instance will be created when I get the UIComponent of the outputText => WRONG
The third instance will be created when I click on the button => OK, since it is a new request
- The action and page rendering uses this instance
Not the strange thing: After the new request I try to get the new UIComponent of the outputText. It does not create a new instance of the bean but it uses the second instance...
public class JSFUnitTest
private JSFSession _jsfSession;
private JSFServerSession _server;
private JSFClientSession _client;
/* SNIP */
public void test_1() throws IOException
// INSTANCE #1 will be used
System.out.println("########## VIEW ID");
Assert.assertEquals("/pages/index.xhtml", _server.getCurrentViewID());
UIViewRoot root = _server.getFacesContext().getViewRoot();
System.out.println("########## ViewRoot: " + root);
UIComponent fireButton = root.findComponent("fire-form:fire-link");
// INSTANCE #2 will be used
UIComponent outputText = root.findComponent("fire-form:fired-text");
System.out.println("########## BUTTON [" + fireButton.isRendered() + "]");
Assert.assertTrue(fireButton != null);
Assert.assertTrue(fireButton instanceof UICommand);
System.out.println("########## TEXT #1 [" + outputText + " || " + outputText.isRendered() + "]");
Assert.assertTrue(outputText != null);
Assert.assertTrue(outputText instanceof UIOutput);
System.out.println("########## CLICK");
// INSTANCE #3 will be used
root = _server.getFacesContext().getViewRoot();
System.out.println("########## ViewRoot: " + root);
// INSTANCE #2 will be used
outputText = root.findComponent("fire-form:fired-text");
System.out.println("########## TEXT #2 [" + outputText + " || " + outputText.isRendered() + "]");
Assert.assertTrue(outputText != null);
Assert.assertTrue(outputText instanceof UIOutput);
It doesn't matter if I use root.findComponent() or _server.findComponent(). Do you have any idea, what's going wrong?