2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 28, 2012 8:47 AM by kenfinni

    Trouble with PortletBridge 3.0.x and RichFaces 4.2.1 tabPanel




      on my project we have decided to migrate to JSF 2.1.8 + RichFaces 4.2.1.Final using PortletBridge 3.0.0.Beta4


      We encouter a problem using switchMode AJAX with the rich:tabPanel

      Using the folowing source code:

      <h:commandLink value="Previous tab">

          <rich:toggleControl targetPanel="tp" targetItem="@prev" />


      <h:outputText value=" | " />

      <h:commandLink value="Next tab">

          <rich:toggleControl targetPanel="tp" targetItem="@next" />


      <br />

      <br />

      <rich:tabPanel switchType="ajax" id="tp" headerPosition="top" headerLocation="center">

          <rich:tab header="First">

              Here is tab #1


          <rich:tab header="Second">

              Here is tab #2


          <rich:tab header="Third">

              Here is tab #3




      We should have the same behaviour than http://showcase.richfaces.org/richfaces/component-sample.jsf?demo=tabPanel&skin=blueSky

      instead we have new tabs getting displayed under the tabs that have already been displayed (tests made with PortletBridge 3.0.0.Beta2, Beta3 and Beta4)

      (see the joined image)


      The same tests have been done in servlet mode and the behaviour is OK.


      XML exchange via ajax seems to be OK, here is a sample:




      <update id="pbGp_b98279fd_2da2d1_2d4cd8_2dabd3_2d013745ea0a38j_id1:form:j_idt12">&lt;div id="pbGp_b98279fd_2da2d1_2d4cd8_2dabd3_2d013745ea0a38j_id1:form:j_idt12" class="rf-tab"&gt;&lt;div class="rf-tab-cnt" id="pbGp_b98279fd_2da2d1_2d4cd8_2dabd3_2d013745ea0a38j_id1:form:j_idt12:content"&gt; Here is tab #2 &lt;/div&gt;&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;new  RichFaces.ui.Tab("pbGp_b98279fd_2da2d1_2d4cd8_2dabd3_2d013745ea0a38j_id1:form:j_idt12",{"index":1,"leave":null,"togglePanelId":"pbGp_b98279fd_2da2d1_2d4cd8_2dabd3_2d013745ea0a38j_id1:form:tp","switchMode":"ajax","name":"j_idt12","enter":null,"disabled":false} )&lt;/script&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</update>

      <update id="javax.faces.ViewState">-9180823513645033138:7967494134307967338</update>

      <extension id="Gp_b98279fd_2da2d1_2d4cd8_2dabd3_2d013745ea0a38org.richfaces.extension">







      Hope this will help, this problem is critical for us and needs an really quick solution.


      Best regards,

      Alain BAUDRY