1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 18, 2012 7:18 AM by objectiser

    Any executable examples in BPMN 2 (or in Switchyard BPEL) ?


      Hi all,


      I was wondering if there is any executable example (purchase example for instance) developed in BPMN 2.


      I wanted to start using SAVARA from a complete (from scenraios to executable processes) example based on BPMN 2.


      If there is not, is there any Switchyard BPEL implementation compatible with the generated stubs of the last version of SAVARA (2.0) ?


      In the downloads section I just found the SCA implementation.


      SCA Java Implementation details: http://downloads.jboss.org/savara/examples/purchasing_sca_impl.zip





        • 1. Re: Any executable examples in BPMN 2 (or in Switchyard BPEL) ?

          Hi Naxor


          naxcor wrote:


          I was wondering if there is any executable example (purchase example for instance) developed in BPMN 2.


          I wanted to start using SAVARA from a complete (from scenraios to executable processes) example based on BPMN 2.


          Depends which version of the tools you installed - if 2.0.0.Final (from the http://downloads.jboss.org/savara/releases/updates/2.x link) then this allows BPMN2 choreographies to generate SCA Java, Switchyard BPEL and BPMN2 proces models.


          The more recent development milestone (2.1.0.M1) also supported generating Switchyard Java services (as discussed here: http://jboss-savara.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/new-features-available-in-savara.html) but to use this, you will need to install the Switchyard Eclipse Plugins (see http://www.jboss.org/switchyard/downloads).


          However since 2.1.0.M1 was released there have been some changes in Switchyard - they have introduced a SCA editor, which has resulted in the switchyard.xml having to explicitly define all bindings/references etc. So currently the switchyard.xml descriptor generated by Savara is not complete enough, resulting in errors.


          We plan to upgrade support for Switchyard, to bring it in line with 0.5.0.Final for the M2 version of Savara, which should hopefully be available near the end of August.


          There are currently no "out of the box" executable examples for Switchyard Java or BPEL - this is something that will probably be provided with M2. However you should still be able to go from scenarios through to generating the switchyard services - but will need to manually fix the missing information. But also remember that the generated BPEL or Java code are still only templates representing the externally observable behaviour defined in the scenarios/choreography. The actual internal implementation details would still need to be filled in.


          One other note - if using the prepackaged Purchasing.bpmn to generate the Switchyard Java/BPEL it should be fine - however if you derive the choreography from the scenarios, and then try to use it to generate the services, there may be a problem as the xsd files are not carried through the procedure correctly - this will be fixed in M2.


