1. Re: JBossESB on 7.x AS?
tcunning Jul 23, 2012 7:50 PM (in response to mpiraccini)Not much has changed since this thread :
There's no current plan to do this, but as Keith said in the thread above, it's an open source project and there's nothing precluding any member of the community from trying to give it a shot.
Meanwhile, SwitchYard (http://www.jboss.org/switchyard) just released 0.5 with huge improvements to the tooling, supports JBoss AS 7, and is well worth checking out.
2. Re: JBossESB on 7.x AS?
mpiraccini Jul 24, 2012 4:02 AM (in response to tcunning)I don't really understand why JBoss is pushing on Switchyard instead of extending JBossESB with new features.
It's obvious that switchyard is too green to be put in production.
Moreover a lot of integration solutions has been developed with JBossESB.
With this strategy you obtain that:
- No one will start using JBossESB
- No one will start using switchyard, they wuold prefere more mature open source stack.
To mantain the assets, will you at least add a feature to import/convert the JBossESB projects to Switchyard? That would help.
3. Re: JBossESB on 7.x AS?
kcbabo Jul 24, 2012 7:30 AM (in response to mpiraccini)I don't really understand why JBoss is pushing on Switchyard instead of extending JBossESB with new features.
Well, I would recommend looking a bit deeper then and seeing what SwitchYard has to offer. Keep in mind that SwitchYard started as ESB 5.x, which was going to be the next major version of JBoss ESB with some significant changes. Creating a new project provided a focused community around the new stuff we were working on first, allowing interested members of the community to comment/contribute around those pieces. SwitchYard has since evolved to add even more new features and existing functionality from JBoss ESB. On top of that, the team has been adding new features to JBoss ESB as well!
It's obvious that switchyard is too green to be put in production.
Care to be a bit more specific in this evaluation? Is there a particular feature that you think is missing or broken? FWIW, I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you here. I believe that if you're going to put a software stack in production, you should have commercial support for that stack backing you up. We are not there yet with SwitchYard, but it's coming in SOA-P 6.0. There are also a few more features that I want to get done before that point, but I certainly want to hear if I'm missing something on that list.
Moreover a lot of integration solutions has been developed with JBossESB.
With this strategy you obtain that:
- No one will start using JBossESB
- No one will start using switchyard, they wuold prefere more mature open source stack.
No. JBoss ESB is still under active development in support of our enterprise product platform SOA-P 5.x and will be supported for years and years. Totally safe to use. The same people making that decision should look at what we are doing with SwitchYard and use it as an opportunity to contribute (questions, feedback, examples, code, etc.) to where the next major version of our ESB is headed. This is a wonderful benefit of open source and far preferable to vendors developing next gen solutions in the dark and then dropping you on your lap as a surprise.
To mantain the assets, will you at least add a feature to import/convert the JBossESB projects to Switchyard? That would help.
Tom and I gave a talk on transitioning from JBoss ESB to SwitchYard at this year's JUDCon:
The Future of the Enterprise Service Bus at JBoss
I'm really hoping they post the video of the session soon, but there's plenty of info on the slides in the PDF.
4. Re: JBossESB on 7.x AS?
lauradp Feb 9, 2014 1:14 PM (in response to mpiraccini)Is Switchyard a valid alternative to JBoss ESB for AS 7.1??
5. Re: JBossESB on 7.x AS?
tcunning Feb 12, 2014 10:17 AM (in response to lauradp)Laura,
Very much so. We actually have a lot of resources to help you migrate an existing JBoss ESB project over to SwitchYard :
Windup + soa_migration (will help provide hints on how to migrate over pieces of your JBoss ESB application to SwitchYard) : https://github.com/windup/soa-migration
Video talking about JBossESB / SwitchYard and how JBoss ESB components compare to their SwitchYard analogues : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zej0O13wBHY
SwitchYard Documentation : Home - SwitchYard - Project Documentation Editor
6. Re: JBossESB on 7.x AS?
lauradp Mar 11, 2014 5:19 AM (in response to tcunning)Thanks Tom!
In truth I'm not interested in migrating from ESB to SwitchYard, but in building my SOA from the scratch.
Witch version of SwitchYard would you suggest for JBoss AS 7.1.1 Final?
7. Re: JBossESB on 7.x AS?
tcunning Mar 13, 2014 9:24 AM (in response to lauradp)A better question for the SwitchYard forums https://community.jboss.org/en/switchyard?view=discussions, but I think the current suggestion would be to start development on SwitchYard 1.1 and EAP 6.1.0.Final (free for development) and then switch to SwitchYard 2.0 and WildFly (or purchase EAP support).
Here's another thread asking about the same issue: