0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 23, 2012 9:24 AM by ion_mayank

    Class-Path entry in JBOSS7.1.1 for POJO jars not working in ear




      I am trying to deploy a set of SLSB ejb jars which are present inside an ear. All these EJB jars have common bean interface classes which are present in a POJO jar file which is also deployed inside ear file (parallel to EJB jars).

      This POJO jar file again depends on other utility jars which are again present in ear file. Dependencies are defined through a Class-Path entry in manifest.mf file.


      On deploying the application I get linkage Warning for classes defined in utility jar and when the server tries to deploy it throws NoClassDefError.





             --EJB jar1 (Depends on InterfaceJar, which is defined in manifest.mf using Class-Path entry)

             --EJB jar2 (Depends on InterfaceJar, which is defined in manifest.mf using Class-Path entry)

             --InterfaceJar.jar (Depends on Utilityjar1, which is defined in manifest.mf using Class-Path entry)



      I cannot move these utility jars in ear/lib as we are using ear/lib for third party jars. We cannot install to modules of a standard server as some of these jars are client specific installation.


      I do not want to use JBOSS sub-deployment.xml file as portability of my application will be lost.


      Please suggest how to deploy this on JBOSS7.


      NOTE: This structure is working on JBOSS6.