1. Re: JBossAS6 Final - Quartz properties
piyushgoel996 Jun 28, 2017 3:49 AM (in response to pi4630)You can make your own quartz.properties file and locate it in classpath of your project to get it be picked. If you want quartz.properties file per application basis then you'll have to make quartz.properties file for each project.
And moreover as you said that but evidently this is not used, as the console confirms:...
Make it more clear how can you say its not getting used because nothing can be seen in the logs pasted above. -
2. Re: JBossAS6 Final - Quartz properties
texasaggie Jan 24, 2020 1:14 AM (in response to pi4630)I implemented this with a singleton (@Singleton) class that is annotated for @Startup and initializes quartz using a properties file embedded within the JAR file. I have a different build for each server that includes the properties file in the classpath of the JAR file so I have no external references out of the JAR files. I then reference it something akin to this in the startup class:
scheduler = new StdSchedulerFactory("conf/quartz.properties").getScheduler();
This will initialize my scheduler instance and start it up when the application is deployed.