0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 31, 2012 10:04 AM by suikast42

    ARQ doesn't recognise asserts failures in @BeforeXXX @AfterXXX and DI(Weld)-Errors


      Hi @ all,


      I migrated my test from JUnit to TestNG. I thought everthing work fine. Until my colleague tells me there is something wrong with some tests. After serval debuging I realise what's happened.


      If oneof the folowing situations is happens then TestNG reports for all tests a green bar or no failures on the command line:


      1. If a @Inject Exceptio is occurs. For example. Try to inject a logger without a producer.

      2. If any error occurs in @BeforeXXX methods. That can be an assert error or you can throw any exception that you want.

      3. The same behavior for @AfterXXX methods.


      I run the tests with Arq manages and remote profile in eclipse an at the command line and run job in Jenkins. Allways the same strange behaviour.


      I attached a sniplet project.With the described behaviour.


      My env:


      Maven 3.0.4

      Java 7 u 3

      WinXP / Win2003 / Win2008

      ARQ 1.0.2.Final

      TestNG 6.7


      Thanks in advance.


      EDIT: I have forgotten to upload the bom project.