0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 8, 2012 10:02 AM by nobeh

    Integrate PicketLink IDM with an existing LDAP as the identity store




      I am quite new to PicketLink. Basically as a first step I would like to have an instance of PicketLink IDM integrated with an existing LDAP as its identity store. I have done the following items, however, it seems that I am missing a lot but with no clue where I can find documentation about it: 


      * Downloaded and started to use JBoss AS 7

      * Downloaded PicketLink Installer v2.1.3.Final

      * Used the installer to install the bundle into JBoss AS

      * Started JBoss AS and tried to test the bundle

      * Tried to reach http://server/employee or http://server/salessaml11

      ** Gets redirected to IDM login page

      ** Use tomcat/tomcat as the user

      ** Return to the client application with authenticated user 


      After this quick start-up, the I tried to start configuring PicketLink IDM/Federation at JBoss AS admin console. Unfortunately, in the configuration panel for Federation, I cannot find any relavant section that allows to configure the IDM to use an existing LDAP. 


      I'd be thankful if you can provide with some clues or a documentation page so that I can continue. I'm also convenient if this needs to build the sources for the project.


      Thanks in advance, Behrooz