1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 12, 2012 9:05 PM by ericasmith

    ACL requires Identity, how do I get this?


      Hi all,


      I apologize in advance for what is most likely a very newbie-ish question.


      I'm trying to use the role based ACL support in my JBoss AS 6.1 webapp. I've been loosely following the instructions here:



      The difficulty I have encountered is that the ACL library verifies against an Identity. In all of the examples I've found, the identity is constructed within the test method, but I would like to use the currently logged in user.


      From the request, I am able to get the user Principal. From the SecurityContext I'm able to get the SecurityIdentity and the Subject. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any way to get hold of the current user's 'Identity' for the ACL AuthorizationManager manager to verify against.


      Could anyone point me in the direction of a function or code snippet which shows how to get the currently logged in user's identity from a ServletRequest?


      Thank you in advance,


        • 1. Re: ACL requires Identity, how do I get this?

          In the absence of a more elegant answer, I'm using the below. This seems fragile, and depends on the implementation of principals to remain unchanged, but will do as a stop gap...


              public static Identity getIdentity()
                  Principal callerPrincipal = SecurityAssociation.getCallerPrincipal();
                  if(callerPrincipal == null)
                      return ANONYMOUS_IDENTITY;
                      String           name       = callerPrincipal.getName();
                      RoleGroup        roles      = RoleFactory.createRoleGroup("RoleGroup");
                      Set rolegroups = SecurityAssociation.getSubject().getPrincipals(SimpleGroup.class);
                      for(SimpleGroup group : rolegroups)
                          Enumeration members = group.members();
                      return IdentityFactory.createIdentityWithRole(name, roles);
                  catch(Exception e)
                      throw new EJBAccessException("User's identity could not be determined: " + callerPrincipal.getName());