2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 27, 2018 6:10 AM by guru2012

    IllegalStateException: Component is stopped after undeploy/deploy of Singleton EJB



      we are using some Singleton EJBs for caching properties, xml configuration files etc.


      I undeployed/deployed a Singleton EJB, the  @PostConstruct method was executed successfully. When accessing methods of this singleton an exception occurs:

      java.lang.IllegalStateException: JBAS011049: Component is stopped


      This might be OK. The one and only instance of the singleton EJB has been destroyed and readded. But I expected that everything works OK after undeploying and (re) deploying all of my applications.

      But this exception occurs again.

      I had to shutdown and restart the JBoss to get rid of this exception.


      Any ideas?

