5 Replies Latest reply on Sep 12, 2012 4:24 AM by ajcmartins

    Error while reading file-store after eviction while using infinispan-cdi


      Hi, i am having troubles while trying to run a small test using infinispan-cdi version 5.1.5.FINAL on JBoss AS 7.1.1. I did tried to run the quickstart and everything works ok.


      The error is:

      17:28:05,963 ERROR [org.infinispan.loaders.file.FileCacheStore] (http-- ISPN000062: Error while reading from file: D:\jboss\standalone\data\learning\learning-cache\1450574848: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.infinispan.cdi.interceptor.DefaultCacheKey from [Module "org.jboss.as.clustering.infinispan:main" from local module loader @43f46f3b (roots: D:\jboss\modules)]


      On the maven POM file i have















      on the jboss standalone-ha.xml i have:

              <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:infinispan:1.2" default-cache-container="learning">

                  <cache-container name="learning" default-cache="learning-cache">

                      <local-cache name="learning-cache" start="EAGER">

                          <eviction strategy="LRU" max-entries="2"/>






      To setup the cache on java i have:

      public class Config {

                     @Resource(lookup = "java:jboss/infinispan/container/learning")


                     EmbeddedCacheManager defaultCacheManager;



      The data being used is:

      public class User implements Serializable{


                private static final long serialVersionUID = -577278578670082130L;


                private long id;

                private String name = "abs";


        ...getters and setters...




      and i am using interceptors on the service, like:

      @CacheResult(cacheName = "learning-cache")

                public User findUser(String id) {


                               User user = new User();


                               return user;



      @CachePut(cacheName = "learning-cache")

                public void storeUser(String id, @CacheValue User user) {

                               Log("Stored:" + user.getName());




      I have to say that everything works great until i try to insert the 4rd element. That's when i get the error presented above.

      When i open the cache file with a text editor i can see the org.infinispan.cdi.interceptor.DefaultCacheKey reference..


      Any help or direction will be high apreciated.



        • 1. Re: Error while reading file-store after eviction while using infinispan-cdi

          So i was playing around and trying to do the same without interceptors:



          Cache<String, User> cache;


          public User findUser(String id) {

                              if (cache.containsKey(id)) {

                                        return cache.get(id);

                              } else {

                                        User user = new User();



                                        cache.put(id, user);

                                        return user;




          and the error is now:

          Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.infinispan.quickstart.cdi.config.User from [Module "org.jboss.as.clustering.infinispan:main" from local module loader @64b2ad57 (roots: D:\jboss\modules)]


          So this is related to the class loader not finding the classes that are being marshalled to disk- maybe more of a jboss issue than infinispan?

          I have been looking into the , but shouldn't it just works with Serializable as well?

          I was also thinking about the storeAsBinary property, but, being a local cache i don't think it would do any good.


          Any idea?

          • 2. Re: Error while reading file-store after eviction while using infinispan-cdi

            What's the whole stack trace?

            • 3. Re: Error while reading file-store after eviction while using infinispan-cdi

              Hey Pete, thanks for looking.. Well at some point i just gave up using the configurations on the standalone.xml. Tried to load the configuration from a xml file instead and everything started working just fine.

              If you think it can be usefull i can create a new project with the same settings to provide you with the stack trace, but i am pretty happy with it just working at the moment...



              • 4. Re: Error while reading file-store after eviction while using infinispan-cdi

                AS7 doesn't include the infinispan-cdi module by default.  To use this with AS7, you'll need to add the infinispan-cdi jar to the org.infinispan module.

                1. Copy the infinispan-cdi jar to $JBOSS_HOME/modules/org/infinispan/main
                2. Edit $JBOSS_HOME/modules/org/infinispan/main/modules.xml and add the missing <resources-root path="..."/> element.
                • 5. Re: Error while reading file-store after eviction while using infinispan-cdi

                  Hey Paul, i remembered about that and in fact tried to provide JBoss with the module, although incorrectly it seems :/


                  Thank you.