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1. Re: Setting flow control in JBM
jbertram Sep 25, 2012 2:09 PM (in response to samavedulark)To my knowledge, JBoss Messaging doesn't support any kind of flow control.
2. Re: Setting flow control in JBM
samavedulark Sep 25, 2012 2:39 PM (in response to jbertram)Hi Justin,
In that case messages will be pilled up at the topic and it will crash, is there any workarround for that.
In my case it has actually crashed due to OOM. And i saw in heap dump many instances of "org.jboss.messaging.core.impl.message.SimpleMessageReference".
3. Re: Setting flow control in JBM
jbertram Sep 25, 2012 2:43 PM (in response to samavedulark)You could probably use the destination paging parameters to limit heap usage.