0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 28, 2008 9:24 AM by omerlin

    JON architecture question



      I'm migrating a complete application from Glassfish to Jboss.
      I have the similar notion of server & nodes (agent) in the both product.
      The scope of JON is larger than Glassfish thanks to its database referential usage. (Larger in term of functionalities and capabilities - each operation is timestamped).
      The Glassfish referential is only a big domain.xml file.

      On the counter part, i have notice a key differentiator in favor of Glassfish : the deployement .
      I explain :
      - Resources can be provisionned in the repository outside any J2EE instance (No link with any existing AS)
      then later deployed to a cluster (and so all the depending instances)
      - A set of configuration (JVM Options, path settings, Security Realm, JMS service ..) can be created and then bound to a cluster at the creation stage.
      - As soon as the node is starded, No operation is done on the host runing the agent - All the operation can be done in the adminstration GUI.

      I still have a weak knowledge on JON so i don't see these deployement capabilities :
      - We can see/monitor/manage resources of a JBOSSAS running instance - but how to clone (copy) a set of resource to another instance ?
      - More important, can we add an instance on a cluster directly from JON ?

      Does someone has answer to these questions ? It would be very nice
