0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 28, 2012 2:58 PM by leonelag

    How to use JBoss AS6' Quartz ?


      JBoss AS6 already comes with a bundled Quartz Jar file. I'd like to use it as my scheduler.


      Google searches for "JBoss Quartz" end up in articles whose writers advise removing the Quartz jar files from JBoss, downloading the latest from the Quartz web site and place those in the server's lib/ folder. Even some discussions in the JBoss.org forums advise it.


      1. How do I Quartz as mbeans, and expose them to my application, without replacing the Jar files that came with the server ?


      2. What classes in my application are triggered by the schedule ?


      I've found this example from the JBoss tutorials: http://docs.jboss.org/ejb3/docs/tutorial/1.0.7/html/Quartz_scheduler_integration.html


      Is it outdated or is it still valid advice ?


      Must these classes be MessageDriven beans ? Can I have simple POJOs triggered on a schedule ?


      3. Can I schedule jobs if my application is a WAR application ? I'd have no problem in adding jboss configuration files such as jboss-web.xml to both my app or to the server, but I wouldn't want to package my app as an EAR.


      I remember reading that I can have MessageDriven beans or EJBs in a War, but I can't recall for which versions of JBoss AS or the JavaEE spec that is true.


      4. Is there a performance or safety issue leading all those bloggers to advise removing the Quartz files from JBoss AS ?


      AS6 comes with version 1.8.3 of Quartz (at least that's the version number that shows up in the logs when I start the server). It can't be *that* obsolete for people to remove it.