0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 2, 2012 6:59 PM by eric2

    In JBoss AS 7 how do I configure the Transaction Manager in InfiniSpan?


      I want to change the default transaction manager of DummyTransactionManager to JBossTransactionManager. See https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/ISPN/Infinispan+transactions for more info. In JBoss7.1.1 it is using

      org.infinispan.transaction.tm.DummyTransaction and I can't find out to make the change. According to that link it recommends not using the DummyTransactionManager.


      DummyTransactionManagerLookup : This provides with a dummy transaction manager which should only be used for testing.  Being a dummy, this is not recommended for production use a it has some severe limitations to do with concurrent transactions and recovery.


      It doesn't look like there is native support for this in the standalone.xml file. Is this the case?