1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 4, 2012 11:30 AM by d1x

    RestEasy Jettison/Jackson customization


      I'm trying to use my objects with JAXB annotations for application/json output with my JAX-RS resource. I'm running on JBoss AS7 7.1.1.Final with RestEasy (included within AS). The issue is that I would like to customize my JSON output. I must note that I don't care if I will use Jettison or Jackson, but I was able only make Jettison work (deploy application) without errors. I also would like to stick only with JAXB annotations on my objects if possible.


      1) I want to omit "@" within XmlAttribute annotated fields. I found out property how to do it with Jettison, but I don't know how to configure it on JBoss AS7. Didn't find any working ContextResolver or any other example.


      2) I would like to have "normal" JSON arrays, e.g.


      @XmlRootElement(name = "root")
      public class Root { 
          @XmlElementRef(type = Entry.class, required = false)
          // no difference with @XmlElement
          private Set<Entry> entries;


      serializes into



      and I would expect one of those:


      or (omitting XmlRootElement)

        [{...}, {...}]]


      3) As I noted, I don't care what provider (Jettison/Jackson) will I use but it is hard to find working example how to correctly set maven dependencies for application to be deployable without errors. So far I'm using:




      Thanks for all answers

        • 1. Re: RestEasy Jettison/Jackson customization

          So far I managed to make Jackson working and use its provider-specific annotations (@JsonProperty ... and so) which solved my problem. I tried to find only JAXB solution but I can accept also this. Btw my dependencies

