2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 31, 2012 6:13 PM by hanynowsky

    Scaffolding entities that use @EmbeddedId ?


      Hi all,


      I am using forge 1.1.0 to scaffold several entities that I have reverse engineered from an Oracle 9 database using HIbernate tools (natively, not from forge).


      One entity uses @EmbeddedId and the scaffold code produced by forge does not display the list of entities or the entity itself correctly. It does display data, just nothing meaningful.


      Before I get too deep, is this something that scaffold supports ?



        • 1. Re: Scaffolding entities that use @EmbeddedId ?

          Hey Paul,


          Good catch. Actually, the scaffold doesn't support this feature currently, but as far as I know it could probably be done with a bit of help from a contributor Interested?


          I'm actually surprised that anything shows up at all. Want to discuss more on forge-dev@lists.jboss.org ?



          • 2. Re: Scaffolding entities that use @EmbeddedId ?

            Actually, I have the same issu. I have been deeply checking and indeed, there is no support for EMbedded ID (Talk about Many2many reationships and One2Many or One2one identifying relationships), for both persistence entities and endpoints too. (null id value exception).

            Which kindda makes Forge useless for scaffolding from entities generated by Hibernate Tools.


            However, I thing that embedded ids are implicitly supported when creating entities using JForge not Hibernate Tools plugin. Still investigating how to get a working example.