0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 18, 2012 4:45 AM by pmm

    EJB Remoting From OSGi


      I'm not really sure if this is the right forum, feel free to move it to a different place.


      My understanding is that using EJB remoting from OSGi (not in JBoss, a standalone OSGi container) is not supported. To get it working people either build hacks on top of buddy classloading or switch the thread context classloader. Currently we use a custom solution with extension points for the JNDI mapping and switching the TCCL.

      However we would really like something based on OSGi remoting as in CXF distributed OSGi. There are a couple of problems that have to be solved though:

      1. mapping the service interface to a JNDI name
      2. classloading (mostly for deserialization)
      3. server coordinates
      4. authentication


      Some of them can be solved:

      1. could be done with a property in remote-services.xml
      2. either switching TCCL or hooking into the EJB remoting classloader
      3. can be done using osgi remoting configuration
      4. no good idea yet


      My guestion is does anybody have a good idea to make class loading work? While switching TCCL works it is somewhat of a hack. I'm not sure how hooking into the EJB remoting classloader is possible and whether that's a good idea. I'd appreciate it if somebody could shed some light on this.