1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 23, 2012 5:35 PM by vblagojevic

    Change configuration on-the-fly


      I'm using Infinispan 5.0.1 on Linux.


      I'm configuring it programatically:

      Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
      configuration = configuration.fluent().eviction().maxEntries(Integer.valueOf(1000)).strategy(EvictionStrategy.FIFO).build();
      DefaultCacheManager cacheManager = new DefaultCacheManager(configuration);


      then I use this monitorCache around in my program. This is fine, except that sometimes I want to change the configuration of the cacheManager after it was created.

      For example: if there are some circumstances met then the cache should hold 10000 entries instead of 1000.

      Is this possible and how?


      Best regards,
