1. Re: Where is shrinkwrap ?
kpiwko Nov 7, 2012 11:25 AM (in response to anthonyhib)Hi Anthony,
ShrinkWrap is still where it used to be. The problem you're facing is missing MavenImporter, which is distributed as a part of ShrinkWrap Maven Resolver (aka ShrinkRes) project.
The MavenImporter was (temporarily) dropped from ShrinkRes. The last version where it was present was 2.0.0-alpha-1. MavenImporter has to undergo a significant surgery, so it would be usable from IDE. You can track the issue https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SHRINKRES-61 for the progress.
Currently, I can recommend you either to stick with 2.0.0-alpha-1 or, dependening on your use case, use ShrinkWrap to build the archive and ShrinkRes to add the dependencies. You can find up-to-date manual here:
Btw, your feedback on using MavenImporter is really valuable to us. You have the change to help us to form its new API by simply commenting you use cases/concerns in that jira.