3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 29, 2012 7:19 AM by ezikoh

    How show message while loading page?




      I need show a message "Loading Page in progress..." when call page from richfaces menu. I have use the version richfaces 3.3.

      I search in internet but not founded clearly solution.


      Help me please.


      Than you.

        • 1. Re: How show message while loading page?

          Do you do redirects to other pages or make partial view updates?

          If you'd like to redirect you could try and add some javascript at one of the first entries in the <head> section to show a loading message. This can be removed at a late jQuery(document).ready handler.


          If you just update some partof of the page, use <a4j:status> and lookaup the start and end events in the manual. These can be used to show / hide a loading message. In the old showcase should be some useful examples.

          • 2. Re: How show message while loading page?

            Hi ezequiel,


            Try adding this inside h:form,

            1) Here use <a4:region tag and specifiy the id for the tag.

            2) Inside the region do all the code.

            3) After the form close tag use tag <a4j:status and specifiy the for attribute to region id mapping.

            4) Model panel is created in seperate page.

            5)Include the page in the SomePage.jsp or SomePage.xhtml.



            <h:form id="trainingForm">

            <a4j:region id="trainingRegion">


            ------- you code -------





            <a4j:status id="statusID" for="trainingRegion" forceId="true"



            <a4j:include id="loadWindowaddEditTraining"




            <rich:modalPanel id="wait" autosized="true" width="50" height="50"

                    moveable="false" resizeable="false">

                   <h:graphicImage alt="Please Wait..." value="/img/loading_animation.gif"></h:graphicImage>         



            I think it will help to display please wait model panel.




            • 3. Re: How show message while loading page?

              Thank you for your help, sorry for not before respond.